Wednesday, January 12, 2022

My name is Kristy Sokol. I'm 47-years-old. My calling to God took me off the beaten path back in 2001, where I became a reclusive hermit, in order to straighten my life out for the purpose of sharing the comical, rock-n-roll reality of Jesus as my one hit wonder.

When a true-life, 22-year-old, party animal sincerely asks the Creator of the universe, "Who are you?", she gets supernaturally lit with five, razor-sharp, 3D visions, over a 24-year period, that profess the reality of God.

What if hell is real?

This is not your Run-of-the-Mill, Family-Friendly, Christian film. The comical, classic-rock screenplay, "Who Are You?", reveals the costly gift of Free Will, as Jesus makes a spiritually, wild splash, in a way that most people can relate to, with real, life situations of mental health, love, drugs, rape and sex making it R rated for the secular crowds.

A faith, driven artwork presented in commentary style, as was done in The Princess Bride, with brand-new, full-length, Christian adlibbed, classic and hard rock, music-video-dream-sequences revealing the true-life testimony of Jesus through the 3D, visionary scope of Krystill Lokos.

God's grace and wisdom will blossom with curiosity, in the hearts of unbelievers, through this journey of truth, as we grab the viewers by the funny bone with renowned, storyteller Conan O'Brien, and his nine accompaniments composed of Three Whacky Beavers, Owl Bert, Jim Henson Muppets: Rizzo, Masterson, Tatooey, Bubba and Sam the Eagle.

What better way to inspire secular America and the world, by bridging the gap in mass, with the left-hook gospel. An unparalleled and unprecedented, true-life screenplay that scrutinize the creator of the universe, as a drop-dead, knockout.

50 minutes of the screenplay is comprised of music.

B R I E F  *  S Y N O P S I S
It's story time, deep in the woods in Norm's cabin, where three, whacky beavers named Winston, Poinsettia, and Happy J come to hear a true, life story of forgiveness and repentance. The large, leather bound book in Norm's lap, titled 'Who Are You?', magically comes to life as we zoom into the movie pages.

Krystill gives into sin, which leads to rape, sexual deviancies, fornication, drugs, mental illness, psychiatric hospital stays, and three visits from the police. She begins her walk of sanctification with Jesus, by asking who He is and also by asking for marriage that does not occur until she fully gives her life to Christ.

T H E  -  T H R E E  -  A C T S
The three acts cohesively gravitate the process of becoming born again with spiritual baptism, while Krystill's in the midst of the five, 3D visions of Jesus. Each act has a music video, dream sequence initiating Krystill's spiritual baptism that begins with going down the drain of a dry, hellish sink, then going down the drain of a sink inundated by Jesus, and lastly, embodied within the Dove of the Holy Spirit, she walks on water.

The Complete Presentation Link:

Logline / Pitch / Detailed Synopsis & The Three Acts / Majority Cast / Music Adlibs and Music Picks / Storyboard / Synopsis Treatment / Film Locations / Trailer Schematics on Making Bank Like a Car Salesman to the Secular Crowds / CGI and Sound Editing / Sokol's Side of Contract Negotiations / and BIO.

To activate the full presentation link, type it into your email and send it back to yourself or type it into your social media, click on and save the link, then delete the post.

3 o's * 4 r's * 4 o's

If you're interested, then let me know and I will have my lawyer contact you.

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Thank you for listening and for your time,

Kristy Sokol

2763 Eberlein Ave
Klamath Falls, OR.

(I prefer emails)

Leave message at this # if need be: 1-541-591-4131

Receive calls from this # if need be: 1-541-887-1506


Dad, I will give you money to make neodymium free energy generators.

Here's an excellent video on how to make your own 'from scratch' generator that you can wire up to a power strip or plug a power strip into the generator by adding an outlet to the generator. This little puppy's whirl is super-fast and awesome.

There are other methods of creating the same technique as above but by putting magnets into box fans, car alternators, and gas or battery powered generator cyclones. Making one with a fan would give air circulation and power other things as well.

For instance, hooking up a homemade generator to the electrical panel to power the whole home with the help of an electrician named DJ. I'm not telling you to do this in a rented house, but if all goes well with my plan, then we, as in you and Jamie and I, might be able to have our own homes. Owning our own homes would be the only way to do the electrical panel, yet for now you can make small generators to hook up to fridge, stove, microwave, computer, TV, air conditioner, heaters, whatever else is easy to plug in.